Hello! I’m Iain.
For the last six years or so I was a director, tech lead and software engineer at Bamboo Creative, a digital agency based in Wellington, New Zealand. I’m currently continuing to contract ad-hoc to Bamboo, but I’m also taking some time to reflect and think about the next thing.
Before Bamboo, I co-founded a software co-operative called Root Systems, where we experimented with in-house software and novel approaches to running an organisation i.e. our financial agreements.
I’m one of the ones who went through a web development bootcamp (Dev Academy, 2015). Prior to switching to software full-time, I worked as a GIS analyst and cartographer in various government departments in New Zealand.
I’m now living in Canberra, Australia, and have been working remotely across global timezones for the past three years.
This site is built with Astro and Tailwind CSS, and uses MDX for content authoring. I’m using Cloudflare for hosting and databases, and their Workers AI product for the LLM inference on the home page.
It’s all open-source - check out the repository on GitHub, and read more about how I built the site in this thought.